To Try New Things [S1 E2]

New ideas and new approaches keep me ALIVE in the classroom.

Trying new things can be both scary and exhausting. Finding the balance between predictable, structured best practices and keeping up with the teaching-Jonses can be a delicate tightrope to walk. How do we try new things and keep our classes relevant, but do so in a way that doesn’t set the bar to a level of exhaustion?

Trying new things doesn’t mean you have to be on constant creation overload. Trying new things is FIRST a mindset of being willing to make change when change is most necessary.

Trying new things doesn’t mean you have to be on constant creation overload. Trying new things is FIRST a mindset of being willing to make change when change is most necessary.


Reinventing the wheel

We’d like to start with a disclaimer: Marie and I both LOVE any chance we get to reinvent the wheel. I know most people’s teaching advice is all about using what we have and not trying to change everything, but as curriculum minded thinkers, we’re always itching to try new things.

So, what that means, is to take our new ideas with you and process as it makes sense to you. Trying new things and the new things we’ll bring to the podcast is not about ABANDONING everything else you’ve ever done. What we hope to bring in this podcast is an accepting, open-minded, and excited attitude toward new ideas. Let them roll around in that brain of yours for a while. Act on the ones that keep surfacing. Revisit the others another day.

The NEW is what makes things exciting and revitalizing

Looking to help your students try something new? How about New Life Skills BINGO!

Looking to help your students try something new? How about New Life Skills BINGO!


“New” is big overhauls, but also tiny mindset shifts

We’re also here to challenge you. Sometimes there are practices that we have in our classroom management, our curriculum, and even in our habits that need a facelift. New ideas, new approaches, and a new perspective could be exactly what you or your department needs.

Sometimes new is about overhauling everything - like what we experienced in the Spring of 2020 with a massive shift into distance and eLearning. But sometimes new can be a simple mindset shift, like what I shared in the episode about essential questions and inquiry focused curriculum.

Whether you’re looking for ways to update your curriculum or find support in your efforts to change your approach, we’re here for you!  Be sure to follow us on Instagram and join our email list for updates, freebies, and inspo!



And let’s remember that the work we do TEACHING every single day is important, no matter how little it seems like anyone seems to care.


To check out what Amanda’s up to outside of Brave New Teaching, head over to her website or Instagram pages to fill up on some clever teaching ideas. Amanda also has a Teachers Pay Teachers online store with lots of ready-to-teach products for you.

And to check out Marie’s busy teacher life, be sure to check out her YouTube channel where she vlogs and posts videos about all the teacher things, her Instagram, and her Teachers Pay Teachers store!